Submitted by: Peter Clark
Dry flaky skin is a problem afflicting millions of people. The condition can be irritating, it can be painful, your skin become inflamed and it can be extremely unsightly. So if you suffer from flaky dry skin what can you do about it?
Firstly lets examine the problem in some more detail. Generally speaking flaky skin is caused by dry skin. The dryness leads to the sloughing of the outer layer of the skin, and it gradually dries and breaks off.
So you’d like to tackle the flakiness the first thing to do is to tackle the dryness.
Dry skin generally refers to skin with a low level of oils. Your body can produce it’s own oil, and does so, but if the some reason these natural oils are stripped out of your skin excessively then the result will be a natural dryness, and this can lead to the flakiness. So how can these natural oils be stripped out?
There’s a number of factors. Dry air is one of them. Low humidity, for example where you live in an environment is naturally low in humidity, can be a culprit. So can spending large amounts of time in an air-conditioned environment. Hot drying wind can do the same.
Hot water can also be a factor. Long extremely hot showers or baths will strip oil excessively.
Various commercial products will do the same, bubble baths and various brands of soap, particularly when used to excess, will do this.
And dry flaky skin can be a medical problem, or it can be caused by related medical problems, or even by some medications.
So if you’re a sufferer do you have to suffer in silence or can you do something about it?
Here’s 3 simple steps to tackling your dry flaky skin problem.
1. See your doctor first to eliminate the possibility that you have a medical condition causing the problem. If you are taking any medications at all ask your doctor if these could cause problems.
2. Begin taking high quality fish oil supplements. There was a wide range of health benefits to taking daily fish oil supplements, but most people are completely unaware that this is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Fish oil supplements help restore the balance of natural oils, and so many people report, after beginning to take fish oil capsules for the health, that as a side benefit their skin seems softer and more supple and better moisturised.
3. Use high quality skin care products that contain ingredients that will help restore the balance of oils in your skin. There are some excellent natural ingredients that will help do this, and they are found in the best skin care products. Shea butter and olive oil are 2 excellent examples.
4. And become aware of the environmental conditions in which you live, and in which you place yourself. So in other words limit the long hot baths and showers, keep the water temperature lower, begin to observe the effects of products such as soaps on your skin, and if you spend time in a very dry environment invest in a humidifier to increase the humidity.
It is not impossible to reverse a problem with dry flaky skin. It takes a little effort, it takes a little observation, it takes a little time, but as long as the condition is not medical you should be able to begin reversing it relatively quickly by following these simple steps.
And to find out where to locate high quality skin care products which contain natural ingredients to improve the moisture level in your skin, visit my website.
About the Author: Want to learn more about the best natural skin care products? Visit Peter’s website at
and find out more about tackling dry flaky skin at
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